an interactive music theatre production that mimics a whale watching tour from Zurich-based performing arts group Kollektiv International Totem where audience becoming tourists


Premiered in Switzerland in 2019, Baleen is an immersive music theatre that transforms the performing space into a whale watching boat tour while audiences become “tourists”. The staging is a luxury watching tour which include all the actual details like security procedures and a range of entertainments such as blockbuster movies, cooking shows, live concerts, sports tournaments, scientific documentation about whales etc. “The boat” will also send signals to call the whale to increase the chance of spotting the amazing sea creature.

Accompanied by a dramatized storyline made up of fictional cliché, the audience immerses themselves in the “whale-watching” experience and be surprised by the hidden storyline blurs the lines between drama and reality, leaving them questioning whether the events were real or just part of the show.

沉浸式互動音樂劇場《觀鯨記》 2019 年於瑞士首演。把表演空間轉化為一個觀鯨遊船之旅,讓觀眾以「遊客」身份體驗一個豪華的觀鯨之旅。演出包括所有觀鯨旅程的實際細節,如安全檢驗程序和各種可以在遊船上享受的娛樂活動,例如現場音樂會、電影放映、烹飪、體育比賽節目以及關於鯨魚的科學紀錄片等。「觀鯨號」還會發送信號呼叫鯨魚,以增加「旅客」,亦即觀眾成功觀賞「鯨魚」 的機會。



Kollektiv International Totem
Wilson Chau 周肇軒 (HK 香港)
Chor Kai Hei 左啟希 (HK 香港)
Ho Yi On 何怡安 (HK 香港)

12-13.5.2023 | 8PM
13.5.2023 | 3PM

Blue Ocean Hall and Gallery, Hong Kong Maritime Museum (Central Pier 8)
香港海事博物館碧海演講廳 (中環8號碼頭)

Photos: Maxmillian Cheng, Yam Li Michael

Comprises of 4 out-of-the-box music events, #musicismore explores the nature of music as a happening, a phenomenon, a performing art that allows audiences to submerge in.

#點只音樂 包含4個不同的音樂體驗,包括互動音樂劇場,室內丶戶外裝置展覽及演出,讓公眾重新探索及感受音樂的豐富多樣及無限潛能。


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