A site-specific performance-based sound installation with a newly invented 3D printed, upcycled wind instrument by Swiss/ Dutch artist Kaspar König


Inspired by the special connection Kaspar has found in the tightly-knitted, friendly community yet filled with traditional rituals and its unique system of values, Euphonia pays tribute to this tranquil habitat out of the busy Hong Kong city and help us to explore the invisible power of wind - an element that cannot be controlled – to create music in different settings.

Live performances happening indoor and outdoor, on land and on water, and even flash mob events with sound devices that help us to connect with nature, Euphonia represents the artist’s continued exploration of the intersection between art, technology, and sustainability, and inspires us to consider new ways of creating music and art along the way.

Kaspar 受到坪洲社區中獨特的價值觀體系和充滿傳統儀式感所吸引,決定向繁忙的香港城市中的這個寧靜的棲息地致敬,特定於坪洲創作了是次聲音藝術裝置及現場演出。《風力管風琴》利用風力此種無形而又非人類可以控制的元素,在不同場境製造音樂。



Kaspar König 卡斯帕.孔尼 (Switzerland / The Netherlands 瑞士 / 荷蘭)

Performance sessions 現場演出:

21.7 Opening performance 開幕演出
7:30-8:30pm | Second Serve Coffee, Peng Chau

22.7 Sound walk and sharing 聲音步行分享會
3-4:30pm | Second Serve Coffee, Peng Chau

29.7 Boating with live performance 街渡演出

Performed by 演出:

Kaspar König (Euphonia 風力管風琴)
Wilson Chau 周肇軒 (Horn 圓號)
Karen Yu 余林橞 (Percussion 敲擊)

Flash mob: Omniflute – Soundwalk in between species 快閃互動聲音裝置:

Various times and locations between 21-29 July.

Photos: Maxmillian Cheng, Ballade Ho

Comprises of 4 out-of-the-box music events, #musicismore explores the nature of music as a happening, a phenomenon, a performing art that allows audiences to submerge in.

#點只音樂 包含4個不同的音樂體驗,包括互動音樂劇場,室內丶戶外裝置展覽及演出,讓公眾重新探索及感受音樂的豐富多樣及無限潛能。


The content of this programme does not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Supported by 支持