



Charles Kwong: Requiem

A dialogue between life and death, Charles Kwong’s Requiem is a fictional rite of passage for the dead and the living, with text by writer and storyteller Yuen Che Hung and performances featuring local musicians. Transforming Tai Kwun into a transitional place between the existence and the transcendence, the work ventures into our inner worlds manifested through funeral ceremonies as we face mortality.

Requiem is commissioned by Tai Kwun Contemporary and produced by PROJECT21st. The work consists of videos and live performances.  

— 安魂曲 III 昇階經 節錄
Call out some names
Into the void
The names have already
Slid down that soundless wall
And become immortal
— Excerpt from Requiem III Graduale

I. 進堂詠 Introit


II. 垂憐經 Kyrie


III. 昇階經 Graduale


IV. 連唱曲 Tractus


V. 奉獻頌 Offertorium


II. 現場演出
II. Live performance

大館當代美術館 Tai Kwun Contemporary

I. II. 台灣放映
I. II. Screening in Taiwan

2020 再壹波藝術節
2020 One More Festival

Wan Sha Performing Arts Center, Tainan

III. IV. V. 香港首播
III. IV. V. Premiere Screening in Hong Kong

Art After Hours—Inside: Outside

大館 Tai Kwun

III. IV. V. 台灣放映
III. IV. V. Screening in Taiwan

Tunings of the World 2.0 - Reading Music

Corner Salon, National Taichung Theater

Guling Street Avant-Garde Theatre, Taipei

I-V 全篇放映 (台灣)
I-V Full Version Screening (Taiwan)

2022 Human Rights Festival Taiwan

27.11.2022, 10.12.2022
National Human Rights Museum
Jing-Mei White Terror Memorial Park

#1 關於安魂

「安魂曲」 (Requiem) 是天主教彌撒曲的一種,「requiem」在拉丁文是「安息」的意思,這個字來自安魂彌撒第一部份《進堂詠》的首句:「Requiem aeternam dona eis, domine……」(主啊!求祢賜予他永遠的安息)。


- 鄺展維

#1 About Requiem

Requiems are a type of music in the Masses of the Catholic Church. The word means “rest” in Latin and was drawn from the beginning of the introit of the Requiem Mass, “Requiem aeternam dona eis, domine…” (Grant them eternal rest, O Lord…)

Although the Requiem Mass are meant as a lament for the deceased, requiems, etymologically, are sung for the transcendent God instead of the dead. Similar speeches or prayers that pray to deities for the repose of the dead or the safe arrival of the dead at another world are common in funeral rites of different cultures. Regardless of religious and cultural differences, such rituals of the living pleading with transcendent deities for the dead are an expression of not only respect and care for the deceased, but also the living’s fear of death. As the uncertainty of death instils fear in us, funeral rites enable the living to imagine, anticipate or believe in the afterlife; meanwhile, acts such as praying, chanting and playing music provide the living with sustenance in the face of death. As such, requiem rites are not only prayers for the souls, but also a way for the living to find spiritual support and hopes for their deaths; they are a reflection on one’s existence as well as bidding farewell and praying. The form of requiem is not about consolation but how human beings compose stories of their own lives and deaths and seek redemption for themselves and the others.

- Charles Kwong

#2 街童驚落街






- 雄仔叔叔

#2 When streetwise kids would rather stay home

Death was a rather loud matter when I was a child.

In a tumult of suona horns followed by a band of brass instruments, a hearse and the family of the deceased at the end of the procession would move through the street. Although that happened far back in the 1950s and 60s, I figure my continuous dislike for it originated from that period. There was another aspect about funerals that was dramatic as well as loud. A bereaved family would build with bamboo a platform outside their windows and a gently-sloping stairway connected to it two days before the funeral.

On the funeral day, a funeral master would move the coffin onto the platform for a farewell ritual before undertakers carried the coffin down the bamboo staircase to the street, accompanied by suona music, and up the wagon for the extraordinarily large funeral procession.

One can imagine people in the neighborhood peeking and gossiping and streetwise kids running around telling each other the news as if they were watching a film. Timid kids like me wouldn’t do that though. I was too scared to even go near “the scenes”.

There was also a quiet kind of hideous custom. The bereaved would hang blue lanterns in front of their doors and at the stair landing near their flat. In fact, the lanterns were white in color with words written in black to show that someone in the family had just passed and the age of the deceased. I do not remember where I heard the term, but I called it “blue of the dead” too. Although the lanterns were less intense and creepy than the sound of suona, they reminded us someone was dead there and children like me who liked to wander on the street would rather stay home in the quiet evening.

- Uncle Hung

安魂曲 Requiem

概念及作曲 Concept and Music | 鄺展維 Charles Kwong
文本及演述 Text and Narration | 阮志雄 Yuen Che Hung
導演 Director | 秦紹良 Ziv Chun

敲擊 Percussion | 何怡安 Ho Yi On、余林橞 Karen Yu
小提琴 Violin | 金恩娥 Euna Kim
中提琴 Viola | 凌藝廉 William Lane
大提琴 Cello | 左啟希 Chor Kai Hei
小號 Trumpet | 王仲楊 Edwin Wong
圓號 Horn | 周肇軒 Wilson Chau
薩克斯管 Saxophone | 吳漢紳 Charles Ng
七絃琴 Qin | 介山 KAISAN

錄像 Video | 何東盛 Thomson Ho
製作監督 Production Manager | 鄧煒鋒 Tang Wai Fung
英文翻譯 English Translation | 黃鴻霙 May Huang
監製 Producer | 陳楚珊 Sharon Chan

Requiem is commissioned by Tai Kwun Contemporary

Hong Kong Arts Development Council fully supports freedom of artistic expression. The views and opinions expressed in this project do not represent the stand of the Council.